Coaching thatreally helps you.

Lyra offers a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program that supports employees, managers and entrepreneurs at all levels. With our experienced coaches, we are ready to guide you and help you achieve your goals.

Lyra for employers
Hanny Portrait, Lyra Coach & Trainer
Coach & trainer
Portrait Petra, Lyra Coach
Hilde Portrait, Coach

Free access

Help with your mental and emotional health how, when and where you need it.

No waiting lists

Fast and effective help that's right for you. Also for the family members who live with you.

Anywhere, anytime

Speak to us via phone, video, or face-to-face, for support that best suits your needs.


Let's say you're struggling with something and want our help, whether that's advice or a coach. How does that work then?


Explorative first session

We always start with an exploratory conversation with you. We don't work with extensive intake questionnaires; we think that's a waste of your and our time. In this session, we’ll ask the questions that matter, always with respect, a healthy dose of humour, and your wellbeing as our priority.


Appropriate sequel

We've spoken to each other and it's starting to become clear what you need. Perhaps you were already helped with the first coaching interview. You can also have more conversations with this coach over the phone or online. If you want to continue face to face, we will refer you.


Tailored process

You will work with your own coach. We adapt to what you want to achieve. We'll also give you some homework between conversations; a thinker, something to read, or an exercise. You’ll learn what works best for you. We believe that controlling your life is key. So this is also what we aim for: you back in control.



What has this process been like for you? Did you achieve what you wanted to achieve? Give us feedback on what has helped you and what we can improve. You can always get in touch again if you need to.

Hanan Portrait, Psychologist
“I have enjoyed working with Lyra for more than six years. The accessible access, quick contact moments and clear agreements make cooperation smooth and efficient. Clients are in good agreement with my specialty, resulting in successful processes and happy clients.”

Hanan Haddouch


Client Exchange Picture Lyra
“The coach is very understanding, compassionate, non-judgmental and provides useful insights to look at things differently. I found the contact to be very safe and open.”



Jarek T&D Manager at Grolsch
“We at Grolsch are extremely satisfied with Lyra's support. Their personal involvement, in-depth knowledge and expertise have significantly improved the well-being of our workplace.”

Jarek Kotal

T&D Manager NL/FR bij Grolsch


You can come to us for work, private life, your mental and emotional health, headaches about your relationship and yes, what not really?

Stand up for yourself and set limits
Dealing effectively with workload and stress
Making and following through with decisions
Resolving problems in your relationship
Manage your workload and balance your priorities
Get a grip on your work, rest in your head
Improving collaboration with colleagues
Balancing work/life
Legal questions
Financial questions
Questions about parenting
Questions about diet and lifestyle
Questions about care and welfare
Provide leadership with patience and reflection
Managing expectations
Insight into behaviour and actions
Developing qualities
Dealing with trauma and loss
Meaning and purpose in life
Directing a career
Divorce or stay together
Hoe het werkt

Stel, je zit ergens mee en wilt onze hulp, of dat nu advies is of een coach. Hoe werkt dat dan?


Verkennend gesprek

We starten altijd met een verkennend gesprek met jou. We werken niet met uitgebreide intake vragenlijsten;  dat vinden we zonde van jouw en onze tijd. In dit gesprek prikken we, porren we en vragen we stevig door. Altijd met respect, een gezonde dosis humor en met jouw welzijn op de eerste plek.


Passend vervolg

We hebben elkaar gesproken en het begint duidelijk te worden wat je nodig hebt. Misschien was je al geholpen met het eerste coachgesprek. Je kunt telefonisch of online ook meer gesprekken hebben met deze coach. Mocht je face to face verder willen, dan verwijzen we je door.


Traject op maat

Je gaat aan de slag met jouw eigen coach.  We schakelen mee met wat jij wilt bereiken. We geven je ook tussen de gesprekken door wat huiswerk mee; een doordenker, iets om te lezen of een oefening. Je gaat merken wat werkt voor jou. We geloven dat regie over je eigen leven de sleutel is. Dit is dus ook waar we op koersen: jij weer in controle.



Hoe is dit traject voor je geweest? Heb je bereikt wat je wilde bereiken? Geef ons feedback wat je heeft geholpen en wat we kunnen verbeteren. Je kunt altijd weer contact opnemen als je daar behoefte aan hebt.


This is our fantastic team of coaches, trainers and therapists.

Hanny, Coach & Trainer Lyra Nederland
Coach & Trainer
Nicolette coach Lyra Health
Margreet Program Director and Coach, Lyra Netherlands
Program Director and Coach
Hilde, Senior Coach Lyra Nederland
Danielle, Coach & Counsellor Lyra Nederland
Coach & Counsellor
Managing director Lyra Nederland Nicole Bruitzman
Managing Director
Petra, Senior Coach Lyra Nederland

Join us!

We are always looking for enthusiastic, decisive and flexible coaches and therapists.


You may still have questions.

Is your question not listed? Then get in touch with us. On weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., you can use the live chat.

Can family members make use of the service?

Yes, all your family members (children aged 16 and over) can also use our services. The prerequisite is that they live in your home.

Do I have to pay a personal contribution for the sessions?

No. Your employer or insurance company pays. They have a contract with us. So our services are free of charge for you.

What languages can I talk to you in?

We can have conversations in Dutch and English.

How long does a coaching session take?

We schedule an hour for a coaching interview, but sometimes you can finish faster. In terms of frequency: we usually schedule an interview once every 14 days. In between, you have homework assignments or some reading to get started.

How many sessions do I have with the coach?

Our coaches will work out a clinically appropriate number of sessions for you, but often, most people require around five or less.

What if my coach and I can't get along?

If it there isn't a match with your coach, that is not beneficial to your process. Let us know and we will discuss it. And if necessary, we will arrange another coach.

Is what I'm discussing with you confidential?

Yes, our services are always independent and 100% confidential! With one exception: if there is a danger to yourself or others, then we may need to involve third parties, but we will discuss this with you.

Can I come to you for therapy?

We offer short-term solution-oriented coaching and counselling. If during the sessions you find out that you need more therapy, we will refer you (unless you are entitled to more long-term guidance through Lyra) through your employer. If you would like telephone counseling sessions to bridge the gap, we offer that possibility.

Coaching is not a job even if you get paid to do it. It's an art. It's a talent that cannot be taught. The best coaches act on instinct.